1 large 1.5 liter bottle sweet red sangria wine
2 cups orange juice
1 cup spiced or white rum
1 pint fresh strawberries hulled and sliced
1 orange sliced in circles
2 limes sliced in circles
1 lemon sliced in circles
extra fruit cut in wedges to add garnish to the glass
1 – Slice oranges, limes and lemons in circles. Hull strawberries and slice in half.
2 – Add fruit to a large 1 gallon pitcher. Pour rum over the top of fruit and let sit for 10 minutes.
3 – Pour orange juice over fruit in pitcher. Add wine until it almost reaches the top of the pitcher. Leave about 2 inches to allow room for fruit to expand. Stir well.
4 – Refrigerate sangria overnight for ultimate flavor. Or, serve immediately over glasses filled with ice. Garnish rims with a lime, orange or lemon slice.