Author: Stevie White
The Eternal Ride 41
Basics of Horse Hay Explained
The need for quality horse hay – shorthand for attributes desirable in hay fed to equines – seems to be ever-present. Attributes of desirable horse hay include: Clean – It should not contain trash, dirt, dust, toxins, fungus, mold, bugs, weeds or other material that can interfere with digestion. Uniform – Bales should have the…
Everyone Was Talking
Reiners have long looked at the future of the sport – coming up with big ideas and plans for growth. They still do! Looking back 35 years ago to the time of the NRHA Futurity, it’s interesting to see what they were talking about. In an article in The Reiner, different individuals were asked during…
Who Started the 6666 NRHA Derby Non Pro Champions?
Every great story has a beginning and the emergence of each champion reining horse has its roots in the first handling, first rides, and first introduction to maneuvers. The late Dick Pieper said that from the relatively short time a horse is started until it walks into the arena at Oklahoma City, there’s no time…
Who Started the 2022 Open Derby Champions?
Americasnexttopgun & Deary Performance Horses Casey Deary visits Oswood Stallion Station often to watch the young prospects as they grow and mature. In 2016, he had a special one to watch. Americasnexttopgun, by Walla Walla Whiz, is out of Americasnextgunmodel, both in a line of horses that have carried Deary to tremendous success. On the…
Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Ingredients InstructionsCombine all ingredients, stirring to dissolve sugar completely. Fill cylinder of ice cream maker no more than two-thirds full; freeze according to manufacturer’s directions. (Refrigerate any remaining mixture until ready to freeze.) Serve immediately or store in covered containers in freezer.
The Eternal Ride 39
First Aid For Horses
At some point, horse owners are likely to face an emergency or injury involving wounds and eye problems. It may be hard to tell if it’s a life-threatening situation, but an equine first-aid kit is a key component to providing care in an emergency. A toolbox holds a good portable first-aid kit, allowing you to…
Reining In Israel
Located along the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, Israel is a relatively small country stretching about 420 miles north and south, and around 70 miles between the widest east-to-west points. It possesses a wide variety of terrain and mountains, plains, and deserts are often only minutes apart. The varied landscape and temperate climate make…