If your horse gets hurt or sick, do you have the supplies you need to either take care of the problem or to stabilize the horse until veterinary care can be received?
If not, we encourage you to build a basic equine first aid kit. You should know what you have in it, and how each item should be used.
We advise you to consult with your veterinarian about specifics you need for your kit, but in the meantime, we have compiled a starter list for you.
Most important, store your kit in an area that is temperature-controlled and easily accessible.

The Basics:
☐ A list of important phone numbers (veterinarian and people who might be able to give additional help)
☐ Thermometer (You might want to mark this one specifically for animal use)
☐ Stethoscope
☐ Headlight
☐ Extra halter and lead rope
☐ Latex gloves
☐ Stopwatch
☐ Twitch
☐ Hoof pick and knife
☐ Nail puller

Must Haves:
☐ Bandage & suture scissors
☐ Tweezers or forceps with smooth jaws
☐ Non-Sterile Gauze – 4”x4” squares
☐ Conform® or Kling® Gauze 4” rolls
☐ Elastic adhesive bandage (Elasticon®)
☐ Cohesive bandage (Vetrap®)
☐ Non-adhesive wound dressing (Telfa® pads)
☐ Povidone Iodine solution (Betadine®)
☐ Antiseptic scrub
☐ Alcohol wipes
☐ Extra spray bottle
☐ Paper towels
☐ Multi-purpose tool, such as a leatherman
☐ Electrolytes (paste or powder)
☐ Fly Repellent Ointment
☐ Heavy plastic bags
☐ Syringes – variety of sizes
☐ Needles – variety of gauges and lengths
☐ Duct Tape
☐ Triple antibiotic ointment
☐ Epson Salts
Talk to your veterinarian about dispensing a few medicines that you may use in an emergency, but remember that your veterinarian cannot legally dispense prescription items without a valid Veterinary Client Patient Relationship.
Also, these medicines are only of value if you understand their benefits and limitations, and you are able to competently give them to your horse – orally or IM (intramuscular injection). Please consult with your veterinarian for instruction if needed.
☐ Dosing chart
☐ Flunixin Meglumine (Banamine®) (injectable or paste)
☐ Phenylbutazone, Bute Paste
☐ SMZ tablets in small container
This is not an exhaustive list, but a starting template to use when building your own first aid kit. Please consult with your veterinarian for additional recommendations and instructions for use.