Since its establishment in 2007, Rein In Cancer has raised more than $4 million to help people in their fights against cancer.
According to Cheryl Cody, Rein in Cancer Co-Founder and President, there are twin goals for the 501(c)(3) charity. She explained, “We continue to raise funds for the cause, and we also focus on getting the word out that we are ready to help people in the equine industry who are undergoing treatment for cancer.”
She explained that often people just don’t understand how available the funds are. With Rein in Cancer, help is just a quick application away. The process for funding is speedy and many times a check is placed in the mail the same day the application is received.
“We don’t have any red tape,” continued Cody. “We’re very hands-on and want to help. I urge everyone to spread the word of this resource for anyone needing financial assistance as they go through treatment. Just visit the website at reinincancer.com for the application.
According to Cody, and co-founders Shorty Koger and Tracie Clark, the generosity of people in the horse world has enabled Rein in Cancer to be a force for helping others.
Promotions at events are always well-received and well-funded. Many have designated Rein in Cancer for funeral memorials in lieu of flowers and others have created fundraisers on their own. “Since most everyone has been impacted by this disease in some way, people are generous and glad to be able to help,” said Cody. “That’s important because often the financial assistance we can give makes a huge difference in peoples’ lives.”
While continuing to distribute funds directly to those who are undergoing cancer treatment, Rein in Cancer also helped to fully fund the Shirley Bowman Nutrition Center at the University of Oklahoma’s Peggy Stephenson Cancer Center.
“One of the first goals of Rein In Cancer was to fund the Nutrition Center, and we continue to support it in providing nutrition care for everyone who needs it, regardless of their ability to pay,” noted Koger. “The dedication of the Nutrition Center staff is amazing and each year the number of patients treated keeps
going up.”
For more information about Rein In Cancer, visit www.ReinInCancer.com.